But alas, my kid is 10 and she is pretty smart. So, I figured that when the "bubble" was going to break it would be with the Easter Bunny. You see, I can rationalize Santa...." Santa only brings some of the gifts. Your parents bring the rest." and the Tooth Fairy..." I think that there is more than one Tooth Fairy. And who you get depends on what she leaves you." and she defends Mermaids..." No one has ever proven that they don't exist." But the Easter Bunny? Kind of hard to rationalize why the stores are filled with Easter candy. And I was so ready to have the conversation with her had she asked, but NOOOOOO! She has to write a note to the Easter Bunny asking of proof that he is real. Nothing like the unexpected!!

The hubby and I went back and forth as to what to do. We turned to the Internet and read blog postings as to what to do. We sent texts to friends. We both became tearful reading the responses. Why? Because when it all comes down to it. Our little girl is growing up. And that happened so fast! How did that happen so fast? We don't want that to happen! And yet we know it has too.
So, in the end what we did is write her a note from the Easter Bunny stating ....." I'm as real as you want me to be, and as long as you still believe, I will still visit you!" and if she asks tomorrow if the Easter Bunny is real... We will respond, "Only if you want him to be." But in my heart I will feel a tinge of sadness to know that that part of her childhood is gone.
Growing up is hard!
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