Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ready for 45?

So, lately I've been realizing that it isn't long until I'm 45!  And I have to admit that there are days when I'm not really comfortable with that.  Ya see, I continuously see myself as not old me.  And thinking that I am a certain age, well, that blows my mind.  ' Cause I never saw myself in the future.  Not that I didn't expect to live this long (although there were times).   I never have been one to say, 'When I'm 45, I will be..."  Except this statement, " If I live to be 80, bring me a carton of cigarettes and  'stuff I can't mention here because I'm an educator'... and I will LOVE the rest of my life!"  but I have close friends assigned to that....

So anyway, there are things that remind me of my age daily.....

1.  The eyesight.  It's bad enough that I haven't been able to see the alarm clock when I wake up in the middle of the night since I was 10, but now I can't thread a needle,  have to hold books four ft away and enlarge the text messages on my phone to 72 font? WTF!?

2.  Gray hair which peaks itself out between colorings.  Colorings which I did not start to cover gray, but to try something new.  If you know me, I have played with hair color for a long time.  Anyone remember the pink hair?? 

3.  I can't eat whatever the hell I want!   Now it's all about reading labels and avoiding the food that's bad food.    If I only knew to appreciate those days when it didn't matter what I ate.  Or when all I had to do is to think about  losing weight and it happened. 

4. Former students recognizing you and they have kids of their own.  This wouldn't be so bad if I hadn't worked at the elementary (oldest age 12) level for 20 years. Yes, I have former students that are 32 and older.  YIKES! 

Even so, I can't complain because I still get carded.  And yes it's because they have to card everyone.  But what makes me smile is the comment after looking at my ID, like.....  "Oh, wow!"

and at the grocery store.."You're 21 right?" Yes, ma'am, I'm almost 45."  " How old did you did you say you are?"  " 44 almost 45."  " You don't look even close to that!"

or at the Drs. office checking out,  " Are you Marguerite?"  " Yes, that's me. "  " Really? You don't look even close to 44!" 

Screw the other stuff, I'm as young as I feel which is what people perceive me to be apparently!

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