I have an addiction. I admit I'm addicted to Girl Scout Cookies. It started when I was young and a Girl Scout myself. I have no control when there is a box of Thin Mints or peanut butter Tagalongs around. You're probably saying, "Just don't buy the cookies!" Unfortunately, as with any addiction, its not that simple. I knew that having these cookies around was an issue. So I attempted to deal with it in a variety of unsuccessful ways......
1. Put them in the freezer.
That was a huge mistake, and anyone who tells you to do that is setting you up for failure. Something incredible happens when subfreezing temperatures hit those cookies. It's like what happens to liquids when frozen. Somehow, the yummy goodness particles in the cookies triple in size. Those boxes didn't last a day!
2. Buy them and leave them at work.
Yes, others could enjoy them if I hadn't snatched them out of their hands and growled each time they tried to.
3. Just give the money to the kids and get no cookies.
I've tried this many times.....
"Here, take the money!"
"What cookies do you want?"
"I don't."
"I can't just take your money!"
"And I can't take your cookies!! Just take the money!"
" You have to get cookies!"
It just doesn't work! Which is amazing 'cause aren't they selling them to raise money?!
4. Refuse to order or buy any regardless of the cute faces, and pleading looks.
This would not be so bad if there wasn't a troop of Girl Scouts panhandling cookies in front of every store I need to go in. It's bad enough to have to deny them once, but it is inevitable that you get accosted going in and out of the store. And they are everywhere!
It's like they've changed the Girl Scout promise to :

On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country, by forcing cookies on you
To help people at all times, by pan handling cookies that are addicting
And to live by the Girl Scout Law. which is to sell cookies for what reason we're really not sure!
So far, this season I have been successful. But, today I need to go to Walmart and every entry will be covered. God, grant me the serenity not to take out a table of little girls as I attempt to avoid their cookies!
Nice new GS pledge!
Hate to give you an easy solution after such a nice read, but...in Maine they use a blank column for donations to a food bank or soup kitchen. My girls have sold a lot of cookies to people who think they're done ordering!!! "Would you like to donate some boxes to the hungry and homeless?" Doe eyes enter.... - Can you imagine saying no to that?
If you simply can't help yourself, you can order cookies and then ship them up to me. I will dispose of them humanely for you.
Oh, and only get the peanut butter ones. My, uh, disposal service has a policy that makes them only able to dispose of that kind...
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