Sunday, July 29, 2012

Not your old Olympics!

As you are well aware, the 2012 Olympics are underway. Wait, what? You want to see a particular event? You might not be able to, sadly. Yeah, you see apparently for some reason. Well,that's a lie. Money is the reason! NBC is choosing what to air live and what to air previously recorded. Take for instance, yesterday's 400 IM in which the much hyped rivalry between Michael Phelps and Ryan Lochte were to swim head to head for the first time in these Olympics. I knew it would've been around 2:30 our time. So I turned on the tv and tuned in to NBC. But no swim race. Oh, it took place and Lochte blew Phelps out of the water, but NBC chose to air it during the prime time later that evening. More money there, I guess. Well...what fun is that? The results were all over the Internet ! Who wants to watch a race that you know the results of? That takes the intensity out of it. And yet, NBC promotes the prime time coverage as if it were live and we don't know the results. Even their primetime news coverage shows the results of key events. They do warn you of spoilers and to look away if you don't want to know the results. Come on this is 2012! Social media and instant information is a way of life! How lame can you be NBC? Oh wait now, I have to admit that NBC has an Olympic App where you can watch everything live. However, you must have cable or a satellite account. You're probably thinking...who doesn't ? You'd be surprised who doesn't? Yes, the app is available for ipad/phone, android, and kindle. And, yes every event is available. So that's kinda cool. Maybe our social media, instant access society is to blame. In olympics past, you didnt know the results. So, you were at the mercy of network television. But come on....I cannot envision a family huddling around those devices to see the live action. How lame! There was something about watching the Olympics together! I have vivid memories watching the USA defeat Russia in Hockey with my family. Kerri Strug and that beautiful vault with a broken ankle! Michael Phelps and all his gold medals! Those days are gone I believe and I'm not sure I like it!

1 comment:

Stuck said...

Wait... people still watch the Olympics? That's SO four years ago!

I watched some of the women's beach volleyball games, but it wasn't because I cared about the Olympics...