I can tell you my issue with it. I have no control. 'Cause you know planes just plummet out of the sky. When I fly, I HAVE to sit next to a window. I need to be able to see something out the window. Whether that be the ground or the tops of the clouds. I need to see my impending doom, I guess. This becomes a challenge when flying with my daughter who wants the shade down.
I have to tell you my "worst" flying story.......... We were headed to Rochester, NY for Christmas several years ago. Flying up north in the winter can be a challenge. We had flown into Philly which is not typical. Anyhow, our landing was very bumpy. Very windy and only going to get worse. See, I always know the weather when and where I am flying.
So it's bad enough that we will be flying a prop plane, but our crew sits next to me in the gate area. The pilot is very busy trying to find a safe route, a tidbit I overhear. So our plane arrives and I watch as our pilot goes out to talk to pilot who landed. Can't hear anything, but watch as one uses the iffy hand gesture while the other crosses his fingers.
At this point I figure we are going to die... just then Sean yells, Hey, look Santa. and there is Santa, who is taking pictures. I pose with my daughter with the thought that this is the last picture I will ever take.

Well, we survived, although I couldn't see anything out the window, and I clung to the armrest until I was white knuckled. Our luggage did not come with us due to the weather. But we were there alive, Yeah. Why this now? Getting ready to fly this weekend. Low Key. That's what I'm hoping for. But you never know................ and those of you who say,"just take something". Yeah, I am watching my kid....cause my husband, well ya never know when he might not be available..........that's another plane story.